Monday, 15 July 2013

Kebaikan ESP Soy Protein dari Shaklee

Saya ingin kongsikan kebaikan ESP soy protein dengan anda semua. Terlalu banyak kebaikan yang akan kita dapat dari ESP ini. Saya sudah mencubanya dan sangat-sangat awesome!!!

Kulit muka makin halus, lubang-lubang pada muka makin berkurang dan parut jerawat makin pudar walaupun belum cukup sebulan mencuba. Dulu jangan cakap lah, kulit muka berlubang-lubang akibat parut jerawat. Nak tengok cermin kerap-kerap pun malas. Tapi sekarang tidak lagi. Saya suka pada perubahan kulit muka saya. Kalau dulu pakai cream makeup bagai hanya dapat menutup cela di wajah. Tapi dengan ESP ianya membaiki dari dalam. Perut pun terasa kenyang walaupun lambat makan. Sesuai untuk sesiapa yang sedang berusaha untuk turunkan berat badan. Dan yang paling penting saya adalah ibu yang menyusukan bayi dan bayi akan cepat kenyang walaupun susu anda claimed sedikit atau makin berkurang terutama ketika anda berpuasa =)

Ya ini adalah pertama kali saya mencuba ESP SOY PROTEIN!!! Anda bila lagi???
Nak cuba ESP??? Ia juga sesuai untuk pesakit Diabetes.

pm.whatsapp saya 011-2747-1186 untuk dapatkan harga promosi.
Fanpage: AL-ikseer Healthcare

Kuruskan Badan Dengan Shaklee

Dah cuba bermacam-macam produk kuruskan badan tapi tidak berhasil??? Nak kurus dan cantik time raya ni??? Jom cuba LECITHIN , ALFALFA DAN OMEGA bulan ini 

pm . whatsapp saya 011-2747-1186 untuk info lanjut.

Jadi jangan ketinggalan untuk dapatkan berat yang anda idamkan...

Kesihatan Anda Kebahagiaan Keluarga.
Saya akan cuba membantu anda mengikut budget anda dan anda akan diberi.....

SERTA harga yang......

Kalau nak harga yang lagi BEST, nantikan setiap hari di FANPAGE saya sesi...

pm . whatsapp saya 011-2747-1186 untuk info lanjut.


Assalamualaikum semua =) 

Mulai hari ini Al-ikseer Healthcare Royal Vitamin akan membuat HAPPY HOUR untuk semua customers tersayang setiap hari dari pukul 5.00-6.30 ptg TUJUH hari seminggu. Anda semua akan diberi SPECIAL PRICE dari saya jika membuat order pada waktu itu. Khas untuk anda pelanggan Royal Vitamin

Nantikan dan rebut peluang keemasan ini. 
pm . whatsapp : 011-2747-1186 untuk info lanjut
ID 923337

Setiap hari terdapat supplements yang berbeza-beza akan di masukkan ke dalam HAPPY HOUR time dan setiap update akan di update di FANPAGE saya. Untuk update terkini, pelanggan kesayangan saya dijemput ke FANPAGE saya. Ini adalah salah satu cara saya untuk berkongsi kebaikan supplements Shaklee dengan anda.
Like FANPAGE saya untuk update terkini.

Anda pasti berpuas hati dengan harga special offer saya pada waktu HAPPY HOUR. Saya akan cuba sesuaikan set-set supplemant dengan budget anda, insyaallah....

Selepas waktu HAPPY HOUR, anda semua masih boleh membuat order seperti biasa tidak kira masa tetapi harganya semestinya bukan SPECIAL OFFER tapi masih lagi akan mendapat harga murah sedikit atau BEST PRICE dari saya...

Apabila tiba masa HAPPY HOUR, gambar seperti di bawah akan keluar di FANPAGE saya dan anda semua boleh mula membuat order dengan saya untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah (special price).

Anda tidak akan dapat HAPPY HOUR supplements Shaklee di mana-mana kecuali di sini. Jadi, jangan bertangguh. Saya sedia membantu anda =)

Kesihatan Anda Kebahagian Keluarga

pm . whatsapp : 011-2747-1186 untuk info lanjut
ID 923337

Friday, 12 July 2013



Berikut Q & A yang kerapkali diajukan.

Apakah Shaklee?
Shaklee merupakan peneraju perniagaan & pembuatan suplemen / vitamin semulajadi terulung di dunia, berusia lebih 55tahun, dan lebih 30 tahun di Malaysia. Walaupun begitu, selain suplemen, Shaklee juga mengeluarkan produk-produk lain. Boleh rujuk web Shaklee :

Adakah Shaklee halal?
Ya. Produk Shaklee Malaysia disahkan halal oleh Islamic Service of America yang merupakan badan diiktiraf JAKIM.

Bagaimana saya boleh menjalankan perniagaan Shaklee?
Keahlian seumur hidup Shaklee boleh didapati dengan 3 cara :
1. Bayaran yuran RM75 (Semenanjung) / RM85 (Sabah & Sarawak)
2. PERCUMA dgn pembelian RM680 produk +caj pos RM10 (S'jung)/RM20(Sabah & Sarawak)
3. PERCUMA dgn pembelian produk bernilai RM800 (Semenanjung) / RM1000 (Sabah & Sarawak)

Bolehkah saya memulakan bisnes ni dengan modal RM0?
Boleh. Kumpulkan pesanan dari rakan, saudara atau pelanggan sehingga  mencapai RM680 atau lebih, kami akan daftarkan keahlian anda secara percuma untuk seumur hidup.

Berapakah pembelian minimum yang perlu saya buat setiap bulan?
Di Shaklee, anda tidak dipaksa membuat belian minimum untuk kesinambungan keahlian. Sekiranya cukup minimum pembelian bulanan, anda layak mendapat cashback, jika tidak cukup, anda tidak layak mendapat cashback, namun keahlian TIDAK terbatal (ianya seumur hidup).

Berapakah minimum belian untuk saya layak menerima bonus?
Belian minimum bulanan untuk layak bonus hanyalah lebih kurang RM480 sebulan. Anda boleh menggunakan ID Shaklee anda untuk membuat belian, juga boleh berkongsi ID anda dengan sahabat & saudara-mara.

Bagaimanakah cara untuk saya membuat belian?
Setelah mendaftar, gunakan ID anda untuk menikmati cashback. Belian  produk Shaklee boleh dilakukan secara tunai, kad debit atau kad kredit melalui :

1. Belian terus / walk in ke cawangan berdekatan (Shaklee tiada stokis)
2. Belian melalui email
3. Pesanan melalui fax
4. Pesanan melalui panggilan telefon
* Bagi cara 2, 3 & 4, produk akan dihantar terus ke alamat anda dalam tempoh 1-4 hari bekerja. Caj pos akan dikenakan sebanyak RM10 (Semenanjung) / RM20 (Sabah Sarawak) atau penghantaran percuma untuk pembelian RM800 (Semenanjung) / RM1000 ( Sabah Sarawak).

Perlukah saya menyimpan stok untuk perniagaan saya?
Ini adalah pilihan anda. Anda boleh menyimpan stok atau meminta Shaklee mengepos terus kepada pelanggan anda setelah belian dibuat dengan ID anda (sistem dropship).

Berapakah bonus yang saya boleh dapat dari perniagaan ini?
Tiada jumlah tertentu yang boleh ditetapkan untuk bonus anda. Ianya bergantung kepada usaha anda & keluasan rangkaian perniagaan anda. Bonus Shaklee boleh dinikmati serendah 2 angka sehinggalah ke 6 angka, malah tiada had.

Bagaimanakah cara bonus Shaklee dibayar kepada saya?
Jika anda mempunyai akaun Maybank, bonus akan dikreditkan terus ke akaun anda pada 14 haribulan setiap bulan. Contohnya, belian sepanjang Januari akan dikira & bonus akan dikreditkan pada 14 Februari. Jika anda tidak mempunyai akaun Maybank, Shaklee akan menghantar cek secara pos di hujung bulan / anda mengambil sendiri cek di cawangan Shaklee bermula 15hb - 18hb.

Adakah ganjaran lain selain tunai?
Ya. Shaklee menawarkan 3C - Cash, Car & Convention

1. Cash - Ganjaran tunai meliputi :
# Bonus dari jualan kumpulan# Untung runcit# Bonus kepimpinan# Insentif Coordinator (pangkat)

2. Car
# Apabila kumpulan anda telah berkembang dan mencapai jualan minimum yang ditetapkan, anda layak menerima tambahan 3% daripada keseluruhan. Ini dikenali sebagai insentif kereta. Shaklee membayar secara tunai. Terpulang kepada anda bagaimana untuk digunakan.

3. Convention
# Selain mengumpul uv (unit value) bagi setiap pembelian, anda juga berpeluang mengumpul mata untuk percutian dalam negara dan antarabangsa. Mata dikira berdasarkan:
i ) Jualan kumpulan ; lebih kurang RM930 menyumbangkan 1 mata
ii) Pendaftaran ahli baru dengan pembelian RM650 ; menyumbangkan 1mata
iii) Penghasilan leader baru. Seorang supervisor (dgn jualan RM9000 sebulan);  20 mata
iv) Kenaikan pangkat ; ni ada jumlah tertentu ikut jadual, semakin tinggi pangkat, semakin banyak mata

Percutian ini terbahagi kepada 2 :
1. Percutian dalam negara
2. Percutian antarabangsa atau Umrah Ziarah bagi Muslim Leader.

Umrah ditawarkan setiap tahun, destinasi percutian lain adalah berbeza mengikut tahun.

Jika saya menyertai ahli Shaklee, adakah saya perlu menghadiri mesyuarat pada tempoh tertentu?
Tidak. Kami menjalankan online coaching, secara berkumpulan / individu. Perjumpaan offline ada dijalankan sekali-sekala tetapi ianya tidak diwajibkan. Kami mempunyai leaders dari setiap negeri di Malaysia dan rata-ratanya berjaya hanya dengan online coaching.

Berapa lamakah tempoh masa untuk saya mencapai bonus 4-5 angka?
Ianya bergantung kepada usaha anda. Ada leader yang mencapai 4 angka selepas 1 bulan, 3 bulan, 1 tahun menyertai Shaklee. Ia bergantung kepada individu.

Perlukah saya mencari downlines?
Permulaan bisnes Shaklee adalah perkongsian kebaikan produk dari hati & pengalaman anda sendiri. Tanpa downlines, anda juga boleh mencapai pangkat supervisor & menikmati peratus bonus tertinggi iaitu 21%. Namun, sekiranya ada antara pelanggan yang ingin menjadi ahli / downline / anak Shaklee anda, ini adalah peluang untuk anda berkongsi ganjaran Shaklee dengan beliau.

Masih ada pertanyaan? Hubungi kami untuk sertai jaringan Royal Vitamin ♥

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Pill Supplement Untuk Diet

Herbal Diet Supplement

            Obesity is an increasing problem worldwide, including developing nations. Overweight or obesity often result in depression, low self-esteem and fatigue. It is also a major risk factor for development of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and many other serious medical conditions. There has been a dramatic worldwide rise in the prevalence of obesity, which is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular and other diseases.
            In the world where survival requires people to work for long hours, time may not be available to join a good exercise program. Overweight people may not be able to stick to a tight schedule of regular exercise and dieting. Many patients cannot tolerate allopathic medications and develop side effects. Bariatric surgery is expensive and has many risks associated with any major surgery. These people are ideal candidates to make use of herbal diet pills to reduce obesity. Herbal diet pills are rapidly becoming popular worldwide and are available in most countries.

Actions of herbal diet pills

           Herbal diet pill has usually several constituents, each with its own specific mechanism of action. Overall it suppresses appetite, burns body fat by increasing metabolic rate and makes the person feel more energetic. The cravings for snacks are reduced thereby reducing the consumption of calories. The fat from difficult areas of the body like lower belly, hips, buttocks and thighs slims down. Person feels fit and energetic resulting in a sense of well-being.

Composition of herbal diet pills  

            For the production of herbal diet pills extracts from various herbal products can be used. Here are some types of natural remedies and their uses:

Green tea – reduces high cholesterol and especially the harmful LDL cholesterol. It also contributes to cardiovascular health by making blood platelets less sticky.

Konjac plant – contains glucomannan which blocks the absorption of dietary fat.

Guar gum – this dietary fibre gives a sense of fullness and prevents fat absorption by binding with it.

Hoodia – is a natural stem succulent that acts as appetite suppressant.

Capsaicin and Fucoxanthin – these are the flavonoids found in hot chilli peppers and seaweed. They burn off stored fats and carbohydrates by increasing body metabolism.

Acai berry– fruit of acai palm, contains numerous antioxidants that help in prevention of many diseases.

Yerba mate bark – has been traditionally used to delay emptying of stomach which makes one feel full for longer and so eat less.

*** Resveratrol –  is an antioxidant produced naturally by many plants in the act of defense and aids in fat burning.

Forslean Coleus – is a plant with a long history of use in Asian medicine, it lowers intake of calories by appetite suppression.

               Some of the other herbal products are derived from Siberian ginseng, pomegranate, guarana anddamiana.

Side effects Herbal Diet Supplement 

               Since these are natural herbal products, usually there should be any side effects. An incredible amount of research and development has been done to help ensure their safety and effectiveness. They can be safely taken along with other medications. Both men and women can take these medications, they are also safe for diabetic patients. There have been no known allergic reactions reported in any of the trials conducted worldwide. However, in case of any discomfort, medical consult should be taken.

Special instructions

               Herbal diet pills should not be used during pregnancy or breast feeding. They are not recommended for people below the age of 18 years. If you have any serious medical condition like heart, liver or kidney disease, consult your doctor before starting these products.There is an unlimited number of herbal diet pills available online and as OTC (over the counter) products and they do not require a medical prescription. Though these pills promise wonders, they should ideally not be self-prescribed. Before and during their use, it is safer to have a regular review by a physician who can identify any side effect and treat it appropriately. The hunger for getting slim quickly should not result in an abuse of herbal pills.

Source: Herbal Diet Pills

And of course Shaklee sudah ada supplement yang mengandungi RESVERATROL iaitu Coenzyme Q10. Wink wink ^_*

Anda boleh dapatkan dari saya. Tak perlu nak susah2 pergi farmasi, guardian, kedai2 ubat nak cari supplement yang ada resveratrol.

Pm.whatsapp.weechat 011 2747 1186 untuk dapatkan harga istimewa dari saya.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Shaklee digunakan di White House!!!

The White House “Gets Clean” with Shaklee

“As concerns rise about the environment and new information comes out on health and wellness issues, more and more people are turning to alternative ways of living, or “going green.” “Going green” not only helps reduce environmental waste and pollution, it also raises awareness of what we are putting into our bodies and what surrounds our bodies. Recent studies have found that everyday household products can be more harmful than keeping a loaded gun in the home, and can cause problems from asthma to cancer.

If everyday people are safeguarding their homes against toxic cleaners, then Why not safeguard the most guarded family in the United States? The presidential homes have done just that. In an interview with Barbara Walters prior to his inauguration, President Barack Obama vowed to “green” the White House, including evaluating the mansion’s energy efficiency and turning the lawn into an organic garden. In addition, to protect his oldest daughter Malia from asthma attacks, the President said he would select a natural, toxin-free line of cleaning products for The White House staff to use. Shaklee CEO Roger Barnett recently announced that The White House and the Vice President’s residence (known as The Admiral’s House) are now using the Shaklee Get Clean product line.

It is great news that the First and Second Families can now enjoy the benefits of a healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly home. The President and Vice President aren’t the only VIPs to enjoy a Shaklee “Get Clean” home. In 2007, Oprah listed the Get Clean starter kit as one of her favorite products. She has featured the products on many of her “green” episodes, including a recent “Going Green” show. Oprah says she’s a big fan of Shaklee’s H2 Organic Super Concentrated Cleaner. “Use a couple of drops of this, and it’s amazing,” she says. “You can clean the windows. You can clean the counters. … You can clean everything!” Shaklee CEO Roger Barnett was first introduced to Shaklee when his son developed asthma. When the family discovered that Barnett’s son had respiratory issues, Sloan, began investigating what can trigger her son’s condition. Sloan was horrified to find that many household cleaning products, such as bathroom cleaners, disinfectants, floor cleaners and oven cleaners, contain toxic chemicals that can trigger an asthma attack. After throwing out all of their household cleaners, the Barnetts discovered the Shaklee Corporation, a company that had been producing natural cleaning products for 50 years. “We thought they worked terrifically,” Roger says. “The great news is that Spencer has never had to go back to the hospital since we switched our products and that really speaks it all for us.” Roger loved the products so much that he bought the company! At the 2007 Primetime Emmy Awards, Shaklee® Get Clean was featured at the first Main Event Red Carpet Lounge & Green Suite. Over one hundred A-list celebrities stopped by the Shaklee booth to check out the Get Clean products. Many of the celebrities had a lot of praise for Shaklee!

               Kimberly Estrada (Lost) “I would love a Starter Kit. I am so excited to also try the laundry products! I love the packaging and can’t wait to get products to try.”
               Chris Harrison (The Bachelor host) “Shaklee has an impressive history with the environment; I am really looking forward to trying these Get Clean products.”
               Cassandra Hepburn (Actress) “I am concerned about the environment, so I use Shaklee products. We can use them in our home. Thank you, Shaklee, for this gift. I
               am so excited and I love the wipes!”
               Olja Hrustic (Spiderman 3) “I am so into the environment. Wow! I cannot wait to try Shaklee’s Get Clean line. We have been making our home “green,” so this is perfect.”
               Heather Marie Marsden (Actress, film and Broadway) “I have been really reading about toxins in the home and I am so happy to have products that I know are safe for my dog’s health and for when I later have children.”
               Thomas Ian Nicholas (American Pie) “My wife will love this! ‘Green’ is really important to her. She will be really happy to get a Starter kit and to get these gifts from Shaklee!”
               Marisol Nichols (24 TV series) “I have been making my home ‘green’ and really feel it is important that we all do make the effort, and I really want my family to be healthy-Wow, how many bottles of window cleaner can Basic H2 make?”
               Melanie Paxson (Notes from the Underbelly) “I really want to try a Get Clean Starter kit. Wow, what a beautiful package and impressive product. I cannot believe how concentrated Basic H2 is– that is fabulous!
               Sally Pressman (Army Wives) “I don’t want to breathe in chemicals in my home. Thank you for these products. I still can’t believe that one bottle of Basic H2 makes all that cleaner; that is amazing.”
               Michelle Stafford (The Young and the Restless) “My mom is big into the ‘green’ products (mom was with her). We are so happy to find products like yours. We are really aware of our health and want to make our house totally Green. Thank you for sending me a starter kit!”
   Tanya Tucker ( Tuckerville) “I know of Shaklee products, and I love them. Shaklee has been around a long time. I like that.” 

Contact Me to Become a Shaklee member for FREE this month !

pm.whatsapp.wechat 011-2747-1186
ID 923337

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Vitamin B Complex

Daily requirement and dose:

To determine a optimal daily requirement or doses of vitamin B is hard to do. 
B vitamins are water-soluble, that means an overdose of them will pass out in your urine.
People who drink a higher amount of coffee or tea lose a lot more B vitamins through the day.
So they have to consume a higher amount of vitamin B.
Alcohol eats up close to all the B Vitamine supplies. Cause of this fact, its recommendet to take a vitamin B complex. 
Taking normal doses of vitamin B is harmless, and it won’t cause any overdosing or side effects. 
But it promotes your health, your well- being and your energy in a big way.


If you should decide to take a vitamin B complex please pay attention to the following instructions:
**Never take depot capsules, they desolve very poorly, and they can stay up to 6 month in your body.
**Pay attention to quality. Don’t try to save money when it comes to your health.
**Always take a vitamin B complex over a 6-week-period, so your Body’s vitamin B level can constantly rise and doesn’t drop.

Here you can see the daily requirement according to RDA: Commission Directive 2008/100/EC of 28 October 2008. But, in our opinion, these values do not really cover what your body needs. This should be regarded as sufficient to supply basic services. Since the body simply excretes the excess vitamin B, an overdose is not possible.

RM 54

Pm/whatsapp 011 27471186 for Shaklee special price.
ID 923337

Sembelit di kalangan Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Berpantang

Bagaimana Shaklee dapat membantu ibu-ibu yang menghadapi masalah sembelit??? Hanya dengan budget yang berpatutan dan mampu anda miliki..

Shaklee Ostematrix memberikan jumlah penyerapan kalsium yang optimum dengan bantuan Vitamin D & Magnesium. Kalsium yang cukup membantu otot-otot usus menjalankan peristalsis (mengecut dan mengendur) dengan sempurna
Shaklee Mealshakes multivitamin perisa Vanilla yang hebat. Kaya dengan serat untuk membantu perjalanan makanan tercerna di dalam usus. Juga mengandungi kalsium.

Hubungi saya untuk konsultasi lanjut dan dapatkan harga istimewa dari saya.
whatsapp / wechat : 011 2747 1186
ID 923337

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